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Creating a handwritten TrueType font in Linux

I always wanted to create a font out of my handwritten letters and in this small tutorial I will show you the way I have done it with the help of FontForge, Inkscape and GIMP.

A handwritten TrueType font

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Insomnia - An Electron based API client

From time to time I like to spread the word for nice software that I use. As I wanted to write my own API client based on Electron, I have found Insomnia. And it has mostly every feature that I expect from an API client. Give this application a try if you build APIs every day and if you want to get rid of API client web browser plugins.

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Create Kali Linux VirtualBox image

Kali Linux is a cool Linux distribution with a lot of security tools preinstalled. To run those security tools agains a local webserver for example it would be nice and handsome as VirtualBox. Offensive VirtualBox images are also available at offensive-security.com, but creating your own custom image is also pretty easy.

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Digitize a VHS tape with FFmpeg and EasyCAP on Linux

I would like to digitize some old VHS tapes before the time is reducing the quality more and more. My current operating system is Debian 9.3, but the following instructions should work mostly on every Linux distribution. Some of the stuff has been taken from the german Wiki of ubuntuusers.de about Videograbbing.

videograbber and videocassette recorder

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Create Debian 9 Stretch USB installation flash drive

Sometimes is this blog just my own collection of things that I learned and found in other blogs. That's why this small tutorial is just a shameless copy of Taro Satos post Creating Debian Wheezy Installation USB Stick.

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Linux - Audio notification after long running command has finished

The following small trick was too simple for a post in my eyes, but too helpful in the past for not sharing. From time to time a I have a long running command in my development process, that can be compiling, evaluating data or something else that takes longer than 5 minutes. In the most cases I will focus on something else in that time and check pretty late that the command has already finished. A simple solution for me is to play some audio signal after the command has finished.

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C language - trigger key events in Linux with xdo

I needed a C library to build a small app that triggers keyboard events in Linux. Luckily I have found xdotool by Jordan Sissel that also contains the library libxdo.

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ownCloud desktop client for Debian repository with GPG error

I am running the ownCloud desktop client 2.2.3 for Debian 8, jessie. Since a while the client shows me that version 2.3.1 is available, but unfortunately did I get the following error if I want to update the client.

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Linux - Convert all Ogg files in a directory to MP3

I need to convert all Ogg Vorbis files in a directory to MP3. I will create a small bash script that uses avconv or FFmpeg to convert the audio files.

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ImageMagick - Resize all images in a directory

I need to resize all images in a directory. The convert command from ImageMagick combined with a loop over all image files in a directory seems to be a good solution.

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Linux - Bluetooth version of connected devices

I had the dream to connect a Wii Remote controller with my web browser. The possibilities are infinite, playing games in the browser for example. Luckily Wii Remote controllers are using Bluetooth for the connection and there is already a group of developers on a possibility to connect Bluetooth devices with the Chrome web browser. With the help of How to get Chrome Web Bluetooth working on Linux from Alan C. Assis I was just one step away from reading the acceleration data of the controller via JavaScript, but unfortunately Web Bluetooth needs Bluetooth 4.0 or above. So this post is just about detecting the Bluetooth version of device with Linux.

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Digitize a vinyl record with Audacity on Linux

I am digitizing all my old vinyl records and I would like to show how I am doing that with Audacity on Linux.

Technics SL 1200 MK2

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Ripping a DVD with HandBrake on Linux

I'm starting to digitize many of my old tapes and vinyls. The final result should be my own multimedia center on a Raspberry Pi. Also important for me are my old DVDs. Today I would like to show, how to rip a DVD on Linux with HandBrake.

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Digitize a cassette tape with Linux

I have some old compact cassettes or tapes that I would like to digitize before time is destroying the quality completely. I will document the digitization with this post.

Digitize cassette tape

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Connecting a Wii Remote Plus controller with Debian 8 (jessie)

I bought myself a Nintendo Wii Remote Plus controller. Interesting for me are the acceleration data. Since it was not trivial to me, I will show in this post how I have connected a Wii Remote Plus controller with my notebook that runs Debian 8 Jessie.

Nintendo Wii Remote Plus

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Network error - Download - Windows virtual machine

When downloading a virtual machine at https://dev.windows.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/ I'm always getting a Unknown network error from my browser, in this case chromium. But I had the same experience with iceweasel.

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Linux user management commands

This post will contain a list of common unix commands for user management that I didn't use that often, but that are pretty common for others. And just to prevent me from searching again in the web I will collect them here for myself.

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Rotate every second page of a PDF file on Linux

A little bit special today, but I would like to show how to rotate every second page of every PDF file in a directory. This mostly happends if you scan a book for example and that looks something like this after scanning.

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Create Debian 8 Jessie Vagrant Box

This is the third and last post of this series.

  1. Create Debian 8 Jessie VirtualBox
  2. Install Debian 8 Jessie Virtual Machine
  3. Create Debian 8 Jessie Vagrant Box
We have now created a VirtualBox and a fresh install of Debian Jessie on it. Now we will prepare the box to roll it out to other developers. This post is a mix of Create a Debian Wheezy Vagrant box from Alexander Fahlke and Building a Vagrant Box from Start to Finish from Tyler Bird.
I hope you have installed the latest version of Vagrant.

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Install Debian 8 Jessie Virtual Machine

I would like to show how to build a VirtualBox Vagrant box with Debian 8 Jessie. This is the second of three posts that will guide you step by step on how to build a Debian 8 Jessie Vagrant box.

  1. Create Debian 8 Jessie VirtualBox
  2. Install Debian 8 Jessie Virtual Machine
  3. Create Debian 8 Jessie Vagrant Box

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Create Debian 8 Jessie VirtualBox

I had to build some vagrant boxes in the last weeks. And so I would like to show how to create a vagrant box with Debian 8 Jessie step by step. As I like to show a lot of screenshots I have splitted the post into three parts.

  1. Create Debian 8 Jessie VirtualBox
  2. Install Debian 8 Jessie Virtual Machine
  3. Create Debian 8 Jessie Vagrant Box
I hope you have installed the latest version of VirtualBox.

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ASCII art helpers

Today I would like to present some nice little ASCII tools that helped me a lot to write some of my posts or by beautifying my console programms.

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Install Pencil on Debian

Pencil is a pretty nice open-source GUI prototyping tool. The only little problem for Debian user is, Pencil depends on Firefox and not on Iceweasel. If you want to bypass that problem very easy, you can download pencil as Firefox Extension. But if you want to use Pencil as native application you have to download the deb package and will see, that it depends on Firefox. Iceweasel and Firefox are the same things, but have different names.

Here is a Wikipedia articel about Mozilla Corporation software rebranded by the Debian project.
You can run dpkg also with --ignore-depends=firefox, but that isn't a very good solution.

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Installing Gitlab 6-8 and Gitlab Ci 5-0 with Ruby 2.1.2 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

The last days I wanted to install Gitlab and GitlabCi for a project. Gitlab is like a self hosted Github. And Gitlab Ci is the coolest thing ever. It's Continuous Integration for Gitlab. Just in a few words, you run all your tests, mess detector, code sniffer and what ever after every push to your git repository. Incredible Shit.

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Developing with Vagrant - Part 2

In the first post I wrote a little summary of the vagrant Getting Started Documentation. But the only thing that has been working was a apache. And for my project I need also mysql and php. I did take a look at a repository of Danilo Braband who made a very cool Magento Skeleton with vagrant, n98 and composer. If you are a magento developer, take a look at it.

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Developing with Vagrant - Part 1

In the last 3 years, I had mad a few steps in developing. In the very first days, I had uploaded files with ftp or sftp on the server. After one year I had my first big job in a little team and that was the first time I heard about version control. It sounds crazy, but I never had imagine that there were tools around coding that can bring you such a big benefit. And now, there are that much tools around coding. A good developer has to know so much about things like pipelining, version control, frameworks, desing patterns, testing, security and much more stuff. And today I want to check an other little thing. Vagrant. First I heard about it from Danilo Braband. He made a cool presentation about it, but I was a little bit critical. I thought:"I didn't need more fancy tools, I guess I can live without it". But a few weeks later, I did see more and more little Vagrantfiles on github and in practice it's very efficiently . And today I want to make my own first steps with vagrant.

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