I need to resize all images in a directory. The convert
command from
combined with a loop over all image files in a directory seems to be a good solution.
The usage of the convert
command for resizing on a single image can look like this.
convert image_file.png -resize 300x300 image_file_resize.png
The command from above will resize the image image_file.png
with the same aspect ratio to a maximum
size of 300x300
and will write the result into the file image_file_resize.png
Here a example of a bash script that just prints all files with extension png
in a directory.
for i in *.png; do
printf "$i\n"
Let us assume that we have a file structure like the following one.
|-- 1.png
|-- 2.png
|-- 3.png
|-- 4.png
`-- script
The output of the script would look like this.
bash script
We can simply combine the stuff from above to the following script.
for i in *.png; do
printf "Resize $i\n"
convert "$i" -resize 300x300 "$i"
We can execute the script the same way as we did before.
bash script
Resize 1.png
Resize 2.png
Resize 3.png
Resize 4.png