Debian Linux Vagrant VirtualBox
This is the third and last post of this series.
Debian Linux Vagrant VirtualBox
I would like to show how to build a VirtualBox Vagrant box with Debian 8 Jessie. This is the second of three posts that will guide you step by step on how to build a Debian 8 Jessie Vagrant box.
Debian Linux Vagrant VirtualBox
I had to build some vagrant boxes in the last weeks. And so I would like to show how to create a vagrant box with Debian 8 Jessie step by step. As I like to show a lot of screenshots I have splitted the post into three parts.
It's fun to write small simple tools in the evening to come down. Here a tool to escape HTML as you can find it on every other HTML lerning website. It will replace the following characters with the right entities.
Today I would like to present some nice little ASCII tools that helped me a lot to write some of my posts or by beautifying my console programms.
This is a small demo that shows how broilerjs is picking a color from an image by click. This example is a little bit different from the demos in the repository on Github, cause it is loaded with RequireJS to ensure it does not conflict with other jQuery versions on my blog. Just click a color in the rainbow image.
On my Wordpress blog I had a page for donations. It didn't happend that often, but when somebody wanted to spend some money for my small open source projects I always send a link to a page like this. A list of awesome software projects that I use every day. All these projects need some money or help. The donation page doesn't exist anymore, so I have created this small post that will be updated from time to time.