My local Tex Live version is a bit
outdated and I do not want my Debian Jessie to force an update to the
distribution. This is maybe a good point to start running the pdflatex
command in a Docker container
with a newer version.
I want to increase the memory for
Tex Live on my Debian operating
system. The reason is the following error that I get after executing the command pdflatex
The following small trick was too simple for a post in my eyes, but too helpful in the past for not sharing. From time to time a I have a long running command in my development process, that can be compiling, evaluating data or something else that takes longer than 5 minutes. In the most cases I will focus on something else in that time and check pretty late that the command has already finished. A simple solution for me is to play some audio signal after the command has finished.
I needed a C library to build a small app that triggers keyboard events in Linux. Luckily I have found xdotool by Jordan Sissel that also contains the library libxdo.