5 minutes ago I have written a post with a Github Gist. You can embed Gists like this in your posts
<script src="https://gist.github.com/GordonLesti/8822532.js"></script>
But the gist has looked like this
I'm working on NumPHP again and for the next version I would like to give this library a little bit more syntactic sugar. For example the get and set functions look like this at the moment.
$column = $matrix->get('1:3', 5);
$matrix->set(3, '1:', $vector);
Not bad, but something like this would be better.
$column = $matrix['1:3'][5];
$matrix[3]['1:'] = $vector;
So I have found the interface
ArrayAccess, but it
has one big problem. It is not for multidimensional objects.