Tag Audio

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OscillatorNode example to play beep sounds in JavaScript

I am using my interval timer tool more often in the last couple of month. Mostly for lifting weights with my fingers. And to improve the usage of this tool I would like to play a beep sound before and after every break. One possible solution could be to load and play a audio file in JavaScript. An other solution are OscillatorNodes. I like about this approach that I do not need to buy a audio or create it on my own. And I am even more flexible on sound timing. So I created a small post to play around with OscillatorNodes.

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Digitize a VHS tape with FFmpeg and EasyCAP on Linux

I would like to digitize some old VHS tapes before the time is reducing the quality more and more. My current operating system is Debian 9.3, but the following instructions should work mostly on every Linux distribution. Some of the stuff has been taken from the german Wiki of ubuntuusers.de about Videograbbing.

videograbber and videocassette recorder

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Fix audio drifts in video records with Kdenlive and FFmpeg

I recorded some old VHS tapes to digitize them to video movies and burn them on DVDs. Sadly the audio had a shift or drift of around one and a half second over the one hour video. Here a small solution to fix this problem with the help of Kdenlive and FFmpeg.

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Linux - Audio notification after long running command has finished

The following small trick was too simple for a post in my eyes, but too helpful in the past for not sharing. From time to time a I have a long running command in my development process, that can be compiling, evaluating data or something else that takes longer than 5 minutes. In the most cases I will focus on something else in that time and check pretty late that the command has already finished. A simple solution for me is to play some audio signal after the command has finished.

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Linux - Convert all Ogg files in a directory to MP3

I need to convert all Ogg Vorbis files in a directory to MP3. I will create a small bash script that uses avconv or FFmpeg to convert the audio files.

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Digitize a vinyl record with Audacity on Linux

I am digitizing all my old vinyl records and I would like to show how I am doing that with Audacity on Linux.

Technics SL 1200 MK2

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A audio noise filter in JavaScript quantile based

I am a little bit interested in the possibilities of reading audio input from the web browser. So I have written a small audio noise filter based on frame wise speech / non-speech classifcation a few days ago. This filter was based on the research of the paper Quantile based noise estimation for spectral subtraction and Wiener filtering. The paper contains also an other approach, a quantile based noise spectrum estimation.

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A audio noise filter in JavaScript speech / non-speech classifcation

A few days ago I have written a small post about Reading Web Audio API with JavaScript. But no matter how silent I am acting on my working place, my computer is always producing the following noise.

JavaScript audio noise

I will try to create a small lightweight noise spectrum estimation and elimination filter in JavaScript that is based on the research of Quantile based noise estimation for spectral subtraction and Wiener filtering.

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Reading Web Audio API with JavaScript

I have read Visualizations with Web Audio API and just wanted to check on my own if I can build a small working example that can read the audio input from the Web Audio API.

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Digitize a cassette tape with Linux

I have some old compact cassettes or tapes that I would like to digitize before time is destroying the quality completely. I will document the digitization with this post.

Digitize cassette tape

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