The uWave: Accelerometer-based Gesture Recognition project from the Rice Efficient Computing Group inspired me to build a small real time HTML based signature identification with JavaScript. Actually gestures have not that much incommon with drawn handwriting, but I wanted to test dynamic-time-warping on signatures. I am not sure if there is a real usecase for a signature identification in web applications, but it was fun to build this kind of prototyp. Feedback is welcome.
I'm starting to digitize many of my old tapes and vinyls. The final result should be my own multimedia center on a Raspberry Pi. Also important for me are my old DVDs. Today I would like to show, how to rip a DVD on Linux with HandBrake.
I would like to collect here a small set of random value generators that I use pretty often.
I guess some will smile about this post. But for me it wasn't that trivial to cut an object exactly in half with Inkscape. Maybe there are better ways to do that, but here is my simple one.