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Light up WS2811 LEDs with a Raspberry Pi 5 via SPI

A few weeks ago I bought 300 addressable LEDs. To be more precise, 6 x 50 12V WS2811 with a spacing of 25 cm each. Also known as NeoPixel. I wanted to control these LEDs with a Raspberry Pi. So I bought the latest model, Raspberry Pi 5 with 8GB RAM.

WS2811 LEDs by Raspberry Pi 5 SPI

After I had set up my Raspberry Pi, I wanted to follow the tutorial NeoPixels on Raspberry Pi by Tony DiCola to carry out a first test with the LEDs. I had already done the wiring as described under Using External Power Source Without Level Shifting. But then I read the following information in the next item Python Installation of NeoPixel Library.

The next line then said that you should watch the tutorial CircuitPython NeoPixel Library Using SPI. With the help of the Adafruit_CircuitPython_NeoPixel_SPI library, an LED ring is controlled via an FT233H. I would like to show how I did this with a Raspberry Pi 5.

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Installing ownCloud 8.1 on a Raspberry Pi

Finally I'm at the end. These are the tings I have done before I now can start installing ownCloud on my Raspberry Pi.

  1. Change default users on Raspberry Pi
  2. Mount ext4 USB flash drive to Raspberry Pi
The current version of ownCloud is 8.2.2 and this version would be better, cause it has full PHP7 support. But I will now install 8.1, cause there are some problems with 8.2.2 and the calendar app does not support PHP7 at the moment. But ownCloud 9 will come soon in 2016. The last time I have installed ownCloud is a while ago and so I will start with Manual Installation on Linux.

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Mount ext4 USB flash drive to Raspberry Pi

This is just a shameless translation of the german post Raspberry Pi: USB-Stick und USB-Festplatte einbinden from Jan Karres. Jan is also mounting ntfs and fat drives, but I just need ext4 so we will skip his first step. I have also changed some small other things.

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Change default users on Raspberry Pi

The default user on a fresh Raspbian is pi with the password raspberry. To feel a little bit more save I would like to delete the user pi and change the default root user password.

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