I needed a C library to build a small app that triggers keyboard events in Linux. Luckily I have found xdotool by Jordan Sissel that also contains the library libxdo.
The library can be installed easely on Debian based systems with the following command. Requirement are super user permissions.
apt-get install libxdo-dev
I want to write a small xdo hello world application that is doing a little bit more with the keyboard as only printing characters.
The xdo hello world example should have the following procedure that simulates a human on an text editor.
Hallo xdo!
into the editorHallo
is wrong and presses eight times the Left
button on the keyboarda
character with the BackSpace
button and writes an
character instead
Here is the C programming language code for the procedure above that will be saved to a file
#include <xdo.h>
int main() {
xdo_t * x = xdo_new(NULL);
xdo_enter_text_window(x, CURRENTWINDOW, "Hallo xdo!", 500000);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) {
xdo_send_keysequence_window(x, CURRENTWINDOW, "Left", 200000);
xdo_send_keysequence_window(x, CURRENTWINDOW, "BackSpace+e", 200000);
return 0;
We can compile the code from above with the following command.
gcc xdo-hello.c -lxdo -o xdo-hello
The small xdo hello world application can be executed with the following command. Do not forget to focus on your text editor window after starting the application.
The behavior in your text editor should something like this.