Debian Linux Vagrant VirtualBox
I would like to show how to build a VirtualBox Vagrant box with Debian 8 Jessie. This is the second of three posts that will guide you step by step on how to build a Debian 8 Jessie Vagrant box.
I hope you have followed the first post Create Debian 8 Jessie VirtualBox carefully and you are now ready to start the virtual machine. After we have closed the Settings of VirtualBox, we can start the machine by clicking the Start button.
After a few seconds we should see the Debian GNU/Linux installer boot menu. Please press ENTER on Graphical Install.
Please select a language for the installation process. I always choose English.
Please select your location. I mostly choose Germany, but that depends on the project.
If the location doesn't match to language, the installer let you choose. I mostly select United States - en_US.UTF-8.
Please choose your keyboard configuration. As keyboard I take mostly German.
Afer that, the installer will load some components and will start the configuration of the network. Please take as hostname debian-jessie. You can also choose somethign more related to your project if you want to, but normally a vagrant box should be reusable.
The hostname wasn't that important for me yet and so I mostly take
We need to set the password for the user root. Please take the password vagrant and re enter it.
Choose vagrant as fullname for the new user.
And also vagrant as username.
And also vagrant as password for the vagrant user.
Please choose a time zone. In my case that is Berlin.
For the partition we select Guided - use entire disk.
Just let SCSIl (0, 0, 0) (sda) - 8.6 GB ATA VBOX HARDDISK as preselected and continue.
All files in one partition (recommended for new users) is fine for us.
Let's Finish partitioning and write changes to disk.
Select Yes and continue.
Debian will now install the base system.
Please select a mirror country. In my case Germany.
Now you have to choose the archive mirror. For this is
If you want to, you can choose a HTTP proxy. I mostly let it blank.
You can choose if you want to participate with the popularity-contest.
Please disable every option, execpt standard system utilities.
Select Yes to install the GRUB boot loader.
Choose /dev/sda as device for the boot loader installation.
The installation is finished, please continue to restart the system.
If you see the GRUB boot loader after the restart everything went fine.
We have installed Debian 8 Jessie successfully and should now login with the root user and the password vagrant. The last and third post will be