In the first post I wrote a little summary of the vagrant Getting Started Documentation. But the only thing that has been working was a apache. And for my project I need also mysql and php. I did take a look at a repository of Danilo Braband who made a very cool Magento Skeleton with vagrant, n98 and composer. If you are a magento developer, take a look at it.
Here is the current tree of my application. (Waman is just my projectname)
|-- cookbooks/
| |-- apache2/
| | `-- recipes/
| | `-- default.rb
| |-- apt/
| | `-- recipes/
| | `-- default.rb
| |-- mysql/
| | `-- recipes/
| | `-- default.rb
| `-- php/
| `-- recipes/
| `-- default.rb
|-- public/
| `-- index.php
`-- Vagrantfile
You see, there isn't anymore a in the root. It's not really common to install things with a shellskript
in vagrant. It's better to use
chef or puppet.
I did use chef, but I can't say why. The main reason for me, I have no skills of chef or puppet and in the beginning
I just steal my recipes from Danilo.At first the Vagrantfile.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "precise32" :forwarded_port, host:8080, guest:80
config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
chef.add_recipe "apt"
chef.add_recipe "apache2"
chef.add_recipe "mysql"
chef.add_recipe "php"
There isn't so much magic in it. We just add our chef recipes.
The first one is cookbooks/apt/recipes/default.rb.
execute "apt-get-update-periodic" do
command "apt-get update"
ignore_failure true
We just update our sources.The next one is cookbooks/apache2/recipes/default.rb
apache_default_config = "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default"
package "apache2" do
action :install
package_name "apache2-mpm-prefork"
service "apache2" do
service_name "apache2"
restart_command "/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d apache2 restart && sleep 1"
reload_command "/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d apache2 reload && sleep 1"
supports [:restart, :reload, :status]
action :enable
# enable mod rewrite
execute "/usr/sbin/a2enmod rewrite" do
notifies :restart, "service[apache2]"
not_if do (::File.symlink?("/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load") and
# allow override for default site
execute "sed -i '11 s/None/All/' #{apache_default_config}" do
not_if "sed -n '11 p' #{apache_default_config} | grep 'AllowOverride All'"
# remove /var/www
directory "/var/www" do
action :delete
ignore_failure true
recursive true
# link to /var/www
link "/var/www" do
to "/vagrant/public"
service "apache2" do
action :start
With this recipe we install apache, enable rewrite module, allow override, move the documentroot and start the
apache.Our next recipe is cookbooks/mysql/recipes/default.rb.
mysql_root_pwd = "ADMINPASSWORD"
mysql_default_db = "waman"
mysql_config_file = "/etc/mysql/my.cnf"
package "mysql-server"
service "mysql" do
service_name "mysql"
supports [:restart, :reload, :status]
action :enable
# set the root password
execute "/usr/bin/mysqladmin -uroot password #{mysql_root_pwd}" do
not_if "/usr/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -p#{mysql_root_pwd} status"
# create the default database
execute "/usr/bin/mysql -uroot -p#{mysql_root_pwd} -e 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS #{mysql_default_db}'"
# grant privileges to the user so that he can get access from the host machine
execute "/usr/bin/mysql -uroot -p#{mysql_root_pwd} -e \"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '#{mysql_root_pwd}' WITH GRANT OPTION;\""
execute "sed -i 's/' #{mysql_config_file}" do
not_if "cat #{mysql_config_file} | grep"
service "mysql" do
action :restart
In this recipe we install mysql, set admin password and add a database.The last recipe is cookbooks/php/recipes/default.rb.
php_config_file = "/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini"
xdebug_config_file = "/etc/php5/conf.d/xdebug.ini"
%w{php5-mysql php5-xdebug libapache2-mod-php5}.each do |php|
package php
# enable display startup errors
execute "display-startup-errors" do
not_if "cat #{php_config_file} | grep 'display_startup_errors = On'"
command "sed -i 's/display_startup_errors = Off/display_startup_errors = On/g' #{php_config_file}"
# enable display errors
execute "display-errors" do
not_if "cat #{php_config_file} | grep 'display_errors = On'"
command "sed -i 's/display_errors = Off/display_errors = On/g' #{php_config_file}"
# enable xdebug remote
execute "xdebug-remote" do
not_if "cat #{xdebug_config_file} | grep 'xdebug.remote_enable=On'"
command "echo 'xdebug.remote_enable=On' >> #{xdebug_config_file}"
# enable xdebug remote connect back
execute "xdebug-remote-connect-back" do
not_if "cat #{xdebug_config_file} | grep 'xdebug.remote_connect_back=On'"
command "echo 'xdebug.remote_connect_back=On' >> #{xdebug_config_file}"
service "apache2" do
action :reload
In the last recipe we install php and basic modules. Danilo installed in his template a few more for magento. And if
you are a magento developer please use it. But I want to build my own application with zend framework and at this
moment I can't say what I will need for it.At the end public/index.php to test our box.
echo 'waman works';
We only have to reload or up our box and should see waman works in our brwoser under
http://localhost:8080/. Many thanks to Danilo Braband, mostly everything of this post is stolen from his
Magento Template.