Piwik - Liberating Web Analytics

A few weeks ago, I wanted to build a little analytics tool. The idea was to send anonym data , to improve the performace of a magento extension (only with the permission of the shopowner). A little bit like mozilla or PhpStorm asks you after the install. But before building a static and very special webservice only for my interests, I decided to search for a tool like this. A tool that can collect requests. And I found Piwiki. A free Web Analytics Software. All I needed was a mysql database and php. I installed it after 5 minutes and was ready to check every request on my blog. I can see every visitor and can see the main problems of my website. All these datas are hosted on my server. There was also a app for my smartphone. There are many plugins for magento, wordpress and so on. I'm that happy with this tool, that I wanted to write a little post about it.

My main idea for this tool was an other one. And I guess I can extend Piwik for sending anonym data, but I will checkout an other way. Although I found a very cool alternative to google analytics.

Piwik - Liberating Web Analytics

Here you can see the dashboard of my piwik install.

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