Lesti_Fpc documentation version 1.4.5
Mar 16, 2016
At the moment this isn't a real documentation. This is the content from the old
offical website of the project Lesti_Fpc. In general this is all you need to use this extension, but I will
replace this in future with a real documentation.
Lesti_Fpc is internal full page cache for Magento. This Cache needs no varnish or any other extenal software and
works with events. It is an internal cache and so it replaces dynamic blocks before sending response to customer.
Here is little post that explains the
workflow of Lesti_Fpc.
Which pages can be cached?
Per default is cached:
- cms_index_index
- cms_page_index
- catalog_product_view
- catalog_category_view
You can add your own layout-handles in the configurations.
Which blocks are dynamic or lazy?
Per default are the following dynamic blocks:
- global_messages
- messages
- right.reports.product.viewed
- global_notices
Per default are the following lazy blocks:
- top.links
- cart_sidebar
- catalog.compare.sidebar
- wishlist_sidebar
- welcome (Magento >= 1.8, for Magento 1.7 please read this post)
You can add your own dynamic block in the configurations (only blocks without children). Here you can find a
explanation what
dynamic and lazy blocks
are. If you don't know the name of your block in magento, here is a little
about it.
How to refresh lazy blocks?
The following actions refresh the lazy blocks:
- checkout_cart_add
- checkout_cart_delete
- checkout_cart_updatePost
- catalog_product_compare_add
- catalog_product_compare_clear
- catalog_product_compare_remove
- wishlist_index_add
- wishlist_index_remove
- wishlist_index_update
- wishlist_index_allcart
- wishlist_index_configure
You can add your own refresh actions in the configurations. If you think I missed some default one, please contact me.
What about uri-params?
The following uri-params can be handled per default:
- id
- category
- page_id
- p
- limit
- dir
- order
- mode
There is a little
post to
explain uri parameters. You can add your own params in the configurations. If your layered navigation don't work,
please read this
Want to miss some requests?
These are the default miss uri params:
- no_cache=1
- limit=/[0-9]+/
- dir=/[0-9a-z_]+/
- order=/[0-9a-z_]+/
- mode=/[0-9a-z_]+/
- ___store=/[a-z]{1}[0-9a-z_]*/
If you didn't want to cache a request you just have to add a parameter. here is a
post that explains it.
The following session-params can be handled per default:
- limit_page
- sort_order
- sort_direction
- display_mode
You can add your own params in the configurations
Excluding a category or product
You can exclude for example a category with id 25, by adding CATEGORY_25 to Bypass Handles in the
configs of FPC.
What about multistore, multicurrency, mobilethemes and customergroups?
Lesti_Fpc can handle multistore, multicurrency, mobilethemes and different Prices for different customergroups.
What about cache lifetime?
Per default is the lifetime of a page 24 hours. You can edit under in app/etc/fpc.xml. Pages will be flushed after
save of product, category, cms-page and cms-block.
Filecache gets too big?
You can compress the cached data with gzcompress from level 0 to 9.
What about apc, memcached, redis and so on?
You can set every other cachebackend like apc, memcached or redis in app/etc/fpc.xml. In the same style you did it
in app/etc/local.xml.
Where are the configurations?
You can refresh, disable or enable hole Cache under System => Cache Management. The configurations are under
System => Configuration => Advanced => System => Lesti FPC.
Magento Version?
Lesti_Fpc is compatible with Magento CE 1.5, 1.6, 1.6.1,, 1.7, 1.8, 1.8.1, 1.9
Possible conflicts?
Lesti_Fpc rewrites the block core/messages.