A few days ago I have found
Android chrome tab color
and today I wanted to know if it can make sense to change the theme-color
via JavaScript. I was not
sure if the chrome browser will update the tab color.
To my surprise the chrome browser is really updating the tab color with the changing content
tag of the
element with name theme-color
. If you are visiting the current post with the chrome
browser of an android smartphone you should see a changing tab color every three seconds.
The following code requires that your HTML contains the meta
<meta name="theme-color" content="#84db94">
Here the JavaScript code to change the theme-color
randomly every three seconds.
function getRandomRGBValue() {
return Math.min(Math.floor(Math.random() * 255 + 1), 255);
function getRandomColor() {
var r = getRandomRGBValue(),
g = getRandomRGBValue(),
b = getRandomRGBValue();
return "#" + (((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1));
function changeThemeColor() {
var metaThemeColor = document.querySelector("meta[name=theme-color]");
metaThemeColor.setAttribute("content", getRandomColor());
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
Here are some different colored tabs that are changing every three seconds.
This works also if the tab is not active.