Search Results Doctrine

Book recommendation - PHP Data Persistence with Doctrine 2 ORM

Today I want to make a little review about PHP Data Persistence with Doctrine 2 ORM from Michael Romer. Like I said in a few posts ago, I just developed Magento Shops and worked with the Zend Framework. But there are so many cool libraries and frameworks for webdevelopers that I never tested. One of these things is the Doctrine Project.

"The Doctrine Project (or Doctrine) is a set of PHP libraries primarily focused on providing persistence services and related functionality."
There isn't any other book outside for Doctrine. Maybe, because the documentation is very good. But I wanted a german. I know, I'm presenting the english one, but I did read the german version. If I buy a book, I expect from the author not only knowledge about the a framework or library. I also expect things like common styleguide and some practical experience. The book is published by leanpub. A very cool publisher for ebooks about IT stuff. You just have to write a ebook and can publish it over leanpub. The books will be published in the working progress, often you just have 10% of the book and it will grow. They are not that expensive, but the main problem is, the books aren't that professional.

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Awesome Open Source Projects

On my Wordpress blog I had a page for donations. It didn't happend that often, but when somebody wanted to spend some money for my small open source projects I always send a link to a page like this. A list of awesome software projects that I use every day. All these projects need some money or help. The donation page doesn't exist anymore, so I have created this small post that will be updated from time to time.

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