Linux - Audio notification after long running command has finished

The following small trick was too simple for a post in my eyes, but too helpful in the past for not sharing. From time to time a I have a long running command in my development process, that can be compiling, evaluating data or something else that takes longer than 5 minutes. In the most cases I will focus on something else in that time and check pretty late that the command has already finished. A simple solution for me is to play some audio signal after the command has finished.

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C language - trigger key events in Linux with xdo

I needed a C library to build a small app that triggers keyboard events in Linux. Luckily I have found xdotool by Jordan Sissel that also contains the library libxdo.

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LaTeX - Illustrate similarity measures of time series

I need to illustrate similarity measures of time series in a paper. Common illustrations are the euclidean distance and dynamic time warping.

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LaTeX - Multidimensional time series PGFPlots tikzpicture

I am working on my bachelor thesis and have to deal with multidimensional time series. Quite specifically time series containing acceleration data from the three sensors produced by a Wii controller. I would like to show on a small example how I represent multidimensional time series graphs in LaTeX.

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ownCloud desktop client for Debian repository with GPG error

I am running the ownCloud desktop client 2.2.3 for Debian 8, jessie. Since a while the client shows me that version 2.3.1 is available, but unfortunately did I get the following error if I want to update the client.

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Testing a website in Safari with Mac OS X VirtualBox

Developing a website on a Linux operating system is pretty comfortable, but unfortunately are the most users of those websites using other operating systems with other web browsers. There is a nice solution for the Windows Internet Explorer or Edge browser, free Virtual Machines from IE8 to MS Edge. Unfortunately I have not found an easy way to setup a VirtualBox with Mac OS X to test a website in the Safari web browser. My colleague Jan Knipper pointed me to vagrant-box-osx, a Mac OS X Vagrant box for VirtualBox by Andrew Dryga.

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LaTeX - Scale and change aspect ratio of PGFPlots tikzpicture

I need to change the size of a PGFPlots tikzpicture in my LaTeX document. There are two different things, scaling the graphic to the full or half width for example and changing the aspect ratio of a graphic.

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LaTeX - Load table data for PGFPlots tikzpicture

My main resource to create tikzpicture graphics in PDF files generated via LaTeX is the PGFPlots Gallery. But I guess there are more than 400 examples on this page. Here a minimal example for a PGFPlots function visualisation with data loaded from an dat file.

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Magento 2 DependencyWheel

I made a post about Magento dependencies in 2013 with a small visualization graph. It is not that easy to do the same with Magento 2, but luckily I have found DependencyWheel by François Zaninotto. This JavaScript library creates chord diagrams out of a composer.json and a composer.lock with the help of D3. I would like to show you the result.

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Persistent directories for one-way Docker containers

One-way bottles in germany will be thrown in the garbage after usage. Some Docker containers will be removed or destroyed after execution. But especially for some dependency management tools or task runners it can be nice to have a persistent directory. We can achieve that with the parameter --volumes-from and a busybox. I will show the usage on a Docker container of Composer and Gradle, but the principle is easy to transfer for other building or management Docker containers.

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